Author: Dan Jagger

Canvas Implementation Update

Canvas is coming. Find out more about what is happening next, how you can access Canvas and what support will be available to you.

Canvas: Project Timeline

The CLE project team and IT Services have been working together to undertake the necessary analysis and design work to implement Canvas by Instructure as our replacement for Blackboard Learn at The University of Manchester. This page clarifies the updated timeline for the project

Teaching Focused – Community of Practice

One of the key aims of the Teaching Academy is to promote good teaching practice, In this article, Martin Simmons, from the discipline of Civil Engineering, explains a little bit more about the purpose of the Teaching Focused Community of Practice.

Canvas Essentials: Assignments

This article will compare the Assignment tools within Canvas to Blackboard. This is not intended to be a training piece but a overview of features to give you some idea as to how it differs from Blackboard.

Canvas Essentials: FSE CLE Implementation Group

In September 2025, the University will move to a new CLE. To support this activity, FSE has created an Implementation group led by Co-Leads for the Digital and Flexible segment of FSE Teaching College.

Assessment Optionality case study

Emily Cooksey is an Associate Dean for Student Experience and Graduate Outcomes and a lecturer in Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science. Emily talked to Teaching Academy about her experience of running optionality within her assessments. What did you do and why? Optionality is the practise of giving students choice within their assessed work. It is […]

Blackboard Spring Clean

In this article, we will outline why you should undertake a thorough ‘spring clean’ of your Blackboard course units, what elements you should focus on and why it’s essential to prepare now for the move to Canvas.

Adapting your assessments for Ai

Advances in Artificial Intelligence are already changing the way we think about Higher Education. One key impact will be how we assess student learning.