Author: Dan Jagger

Mentimeter Ai features

Mentimeter have released some Ai functionality that groups responses to your open ended questions, we have now enabled that functionality for use across UoM.

Mid-Semester Survey Template

Running a mid semester survey can be an effective way to get useful feedback from students in a timely fashion, to assist anyone keen to adopt such an approach a Mentimeter template has been created with some suggested questions and settings. Staff are free to access this and customise the template to suit, obviously alternative formats and technologies can be used to achieve a similar results.

Mid-Semester Surveys Case Studies

An example of good practice that Teaching Academy is championing is the use of Mid-Semester Surveys across your course units. This simple check-in with students can reveal aspects of their learning students are enjoying and, most importantly, highlight any issues that could be a very simple fix, asking these questions in the middle of the survey gives you an opportunity to act on that feedback and improve the student experience.

Tips on creating a Mid-Semester Survey

A standard practice across the University is to ask students for their feedback on a course unit at the end of the semester. This can be a frustrating arrangement for both Staff and Students as by the time feedback is available there is no opportunity to make any adjustments that may benefit the cohort providing the feedback.

Online Exams in FSE

This page will outline the types of online Exams that can be run within FSE and processes required to set them up.