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Canvas Essentials: FSE CLE Implementation Group

Migration from Blackboard to Canvas

Canvas is coming for September 2025. FSE have put together an Implementation group to support this activity. The Group is being led by Co-Leads for the Digital and Flexible segment of FSE Teaching College, eLearning Manager Dan Jagger and Associate Dean Niels Walet. A full list of members is below.

Group members will capture the requirements of their disciplines and ensure that aspects of the transition are clearly communicated across their discipline. The group meets once a month to discuss issues and plan how the Faculty wishes to handle the migration and subsequent implementation of Canvas as our main CLE tool.

Any colleague with questions and/or concerns related to Canvas – big or small – should consult their discipline representative in the first instance. School-level representatives have been appointed to help the coordination of information between the central CLE project and faculty disciplines.

FSE CLE Implementation Group Members

Dan JaggerFSE eLearning
Niels WaletAssociate Dean/Physics and Astronomy
School Level CLE RepresentativesSchool
Andrew Regan SoNS/CHEM
Bernard Treves BrownSoE/CEAS
Cesare Giulio ArditoSoNS/MATH
Gareth HenshallSoE/COMP
Discipline Level CLE RepresentativesDisciplines/Area
Alan Brisdon CHEM
Alison HarveyMAT SCI
Amanda EdwardsDEES
Anastasia VasileiouMECH
Andrew WeightmanTeaching Academy Associate Dean
Andrew WestEEEN
Aurelie LeNormandFBT
Ausrine NaujalyteEducation Coordinator (FSE) – UoM Students Union
Barbara WatersFBT
Carl PoreeCHEM
Colin SteeleMATH
Elika AminianENGM
Emma BentleyPS TLM
Julian MecklenburghDEES
Katie MooreMAT SCI
Kun WangENGM
Lorna DawsonPS TLM
Louise WalkerMATH
Mark LancasterPHYS
Martin SimmonsCIVL
Nick WeiseCHEM
Parthasarathi MandalCIVL
Patrick GaydeckiEEEN
Pawel LadoszAERO
Peter MartinCEAS
Sean BechhoferCOMP
Simon RawFoundation Year Studies
Stewart BlakewayCOMP
Tim O’BrienPHYS
Vicky CokerDEES

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