Teaching Tools

Canvas Essentials: Studio

Blackboard logo changing into the Canvas LMS logo

Canvas Studio is a tool for uploading and sharing video content inside Canvas. Studio also has a built-in screen recording tool so you can create video messages, podcasts or any other screen recording within the tool itself.

Both students and teaching staff have access to Studio. As you’d expect, Studio allows users to upload videos and then share them. This can be peer to peer, teacher to student and vice versa. Videos can be set as an assignment – and submitted as responses.

It brings additional ways for students and teachers to interact with each other in several meaningful ways, using the video as a focal point:

Screenshot showing how comments display on the video timeline

Once a video is deployed, both teachers and students can add comments directly into the timeline wherever the play head is placed. The visibility of the comments can be configured in various ways – again peer to peer, teacher to student and vice versa. Comments can be visible to all students so they can interact directly with each other, or restricted to be only visible between teachers and students in use cases such as feedback.

Videos can also be deployed inside the discussion tool so that commenting can be assessed by teaching staff who then can assign grades in the grade centre.

Features to get excited about:

Studio Quizzing

Studio allows you to create quizzes from the My Library page so that they can be embedded within your videos. This can be a great way to test students’ knowledge while they are watching a video. These quizzes can either be used formatively, or you can use this feature as part of a summative assignment. As an instructor, you’re able to see how long each student spent in the video. This might indicate whether students are skipping ahead to the questions rather than watching the video in its entirety. You can also hide the quiz markers on the timeline to stop students from skipping ahead to just the questions.

Screenshot of Create Quiz option in My Library

Click here for more information about Studio quizzes

Video Annotation

Studio has the ability for you to add your own annotations to any video you upload. This is a useful way to add any extra information or to signpost further reading. The annotations can also serve as prompts for discussion as part of an assignment or formative discussion.

Screenshot of a annotation within a video prompting student to review course materials.

Click here for more information about video annotations


Studio allows you to create Collections of your videos to easily organise them. Collections are created at the My Library level and you’re able to able to share these with specific users or groups for viewing or editing.

Screenshot of the add Collection button within the My Library area

Click here for more information about creating Collections

Studio Insights

You’re able to easily view how users have interacted with your videos. This includes views, timed views, and unique viewers. You can filter the data so that it shows for either Students, Teachers, or All Roles. Studio Insights also displays each viewer’s completion rate for the video, which can be downloaded as a CSV file.

Screenshot showing the completion rate of viewers and the button for downloading a .csv file

Click here for more information about Studio Insights


Captions are generated automatically for any uploaded media to Canvas Studio. Once you have uploaded a video with audio, you will get an email to your university email address prompting you to review the captions. We recommend that all captions are reviewed and edited before publishing them for accessibility purposes. Once the captions are generated, users will be able to download a transcript.

Screenshot of the email you receive to let you know your captions are ready to be reviewed

Click here for more information about adding captions to Studio videos

Further information

If you wish to discuss Canvas Studio in more detail, please speak to your Discipline CLE Representative in the first instance.

Read other articles in this series: