
What is Slate? 

Slate is a new course unit information management system, intended to replace the existing course unit information publishing system called CUIP. Designed and developed in FSE by James Marsh and Steve Pettifer. 

Canvas Essentials: Discussions

Like Blackboard, Canvas has its own Discussions tool that enables discussions between the entire course unit cohort or a group. The basic functionality is not significantly different…

Canvas Essentials: Assignments

This article will compare the Assignment tools within Canvas to Blackboard. This is not intended to be a training piece but a overview of features to give you some idea as to how it differs from Blackboard.

peerScholar – Overview

Peer Scholar is a peer evaluation tool. This article provides an overview of the different types of evaluation activity that you can build in Peer Scholar and what the workflow process looks like for students.

Buddycheck: Overview

Below you will find information on: What does Buddycheck do? The software allows group members who have completed and submitted a piece of group work to review and score each member (including themselves) by answering a number of questions based on 5 categories. Once students complete their peer scoring task, the results can be used […]

Assessment Optionality case study

Emily Cooksey is an Associate Dean for Student Experience and Graduate Outcomes and a lecturer in Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science. Emily talked to Teaching Academy about her experience of running optionality within her assessments. What did you do and why? Optionality is the practise of giving students choice within their assessed work. It is […]

Blackboard Spring Clean

In this article, we will outline why you should undertake a thorough ‘spring clean’ of your Blackboard course units, what elements you should focus on and why it’s essential to prepare now for the move to Canvas.