Plain English
Tips on using Plain English and why Plain English is an important part of accessible communication.
Tips on using Plain English and why Plain English is an important part of accessible communication.
A new feature, Assignment Copy, is now available in Turnitin for all instructors to use.
There are some significant changes happening to our CLE over the next two years. The University has announced it has chosen Canvas as our new CLE.
Sooner than this, we are required to update Blackboard to Ultra Based Navigation which will be implemented until the CLE change.
Links to support and guidance for staff on delegated marking
Tom Rodgers has used a number of approaches to managing peer assessment and group work. In this case study, Tom tells us about his experience with Buddycheck and the benefits of the using Buddycheck.
Find out how to add grades or brief text comments to Gradecentre, for an existing column or new column via bulk upload.
Identify students who have passed or failed a test using a smart view. Download data and email relevant students via the Gradecentre.
How to customise the staff view of Gradecentre, to show/hide and re-order columns.
How to hide marks from student view in Blackboard Gradecentre and My Marks.
How to create a Performance Smart View to identify students who have not submitted an assignment.