Mentimeter – User stats and Quiz Competition feature

Mentimeter continues to grow in popularity across the University of Manchester, this week we’ve hit the milestone of 1500 licence holders.
If you want to know more about Mentimeter – this page explains all, and this page will explain how to get your UoM licence. This page contains mini-case studies from FSE staff explaining how they use Mentimeter with their students.
Quiz Competition feature
Fans of Kahoot may be keen to hear that Mentimeter have a Quiz Competition feature which adds a competitive league table feature to your Mentimeter Quizzes.

The new Quiz Competition feature allows Students to register with a Mentimeter suggested Avatar or input their own name or alias. You then run your quiz as normal with students scoring points based on correct answers and the speed of their responses.

At the end of the quiz a league table is presented showing the top scorers.

Adding a bit of competition within your classes can increase engagement for students, it can also be a lot of fun. However, the over use of competitiveness can produce negative reactions for some students, try and use it sparingly and in appropriate ways, for example revision classes, and always clearly state that it’s for a bit of fun within the class.
We’ve also seen that the ability for students to add their own ‘nickname’ has unfortunately led to some inappropriate and offensive words appearing on screen, so always good to remind cohorts about the need to act responsibly and in accordance with the Conduct and Discipline of Students policy.