Senior Fellowship for PS staff: A Conversation with Fiona Lynch SFHEA
Here Fiona Lynch tell us about her experience of applying for SFHEA as a member of PS staff and the benefits it has had for her career development.
Here Fiona Lynch tell us about her experience of applying for SFHEA as a member of PS staff and the benefits it has had for her career development.
Anest Valentine had been interested in pursuing Advance HE fellowship ever since joining the higher education sector. However, it was only at The University of Manchester that she discovered an accreditation scheme with a clear fellowship route for PS colleagues.
Whether you already hold Fellowship of Advance HE (FHEA), or are working on your Advance HE fellowship for the first time, preparing an application for Senior Fellowship (SFHEA) can seem daunting.
Sarah Hewitt is a Learning Technologist in the Faculty of Science and Engineering as well as the Faculty’s GTA Lead. Upon becoming an alumni of the Leadership in Education Awards Programme (LEAP), Sarah took up the opportunity to become a LEAP assessor.
Advance HE fellowships are formal, national qualifications recognising your teaching and learning practice. The award is highly regarded across the UK higher education sector and is increasingly being recognised by international institutions. In order to achieve an Advance HE fellowship, you will need to demonstrate your alignment to the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF).
Students often print teaching resources out to paper. Sometimes web links cannot be accessed because the full web address is not shown on the course material, and the link cannot be clicked on as with an electronic resource. One possible solution is to include QR Codes within the resource which can be scanned by students using a mobile device to open the web links.
Planning the structure and delivery of your blended course is important. This webpage details some useful steps to help with this process.
Here we explain the recommended settings to use in order to optimise the teaching and learning experience if you are using Zoom to teach larger groups of students.
Online labs: This page includes a list of external interactive resources for a variety of subject areas.