Search Results for: assessment

Buddycheck: Overview

Below you will find information on: What does Buddycheck do? The software allows group members who have completed and submitted a piece of group work to review and score each member (including themselves) by answering a number of questions based on 5 categories. Once students complete their peer scoring task, the results can be used […]

Blackboard Spring Clean

In this article, we will outline why you should undertake a thorough ‘spring clean’ of your Blackboard course units, what elements you should focus on and why it’s essential to prepare now for the move to Canvas.

Peer Scholar – Get Started

Peer Scholar is a peer evaluation tool which is currently available via Blackboard. This article provides an introduction to Peer Scholar, including factors to consider before choosing to use Peer Scholar and guidance on initial set up.

Mid-Semester Surveys Case Studies

An example of good practice that Teaching Academy is championing is the use of Mid-Semester Surveys across your course units. This simple check-in with students can reveal aspects of their learning students are enjoying and, most importantly, highlight any issues that could be a very simple fix, asking these questions in the middle of the survey gives you an opportunity to act on that feedback and improve the student experience.

Case Study: Buddycheck

Tom Rodgers has used a number of approaches to managing peer assessment and group work. In this case study, Tom tells us about his experience with Buddycheck and the benefits of the using Buddycheck.