Quick Tips: using your Blackboard assessment and feedback tools

Here are a collection of quick tip videos demonstrating some of the Blackboard assessment and feedback tools that are available.
Creating a question set
Question sets are a collection of questions that have been drawn from a selected question pool, and are used when setting up a test in Blackboard. They are useful when you want to ensure that students do not see all the same questions when they take a Blackboard test.
Building a question pool for Blackboard tests
Question pools allow Blackboard to select a random set of questions from the pool, each time a student takes the test.
Enabling feedback for all quiz answer options
Enabling feedback for individual student responses in Blackboard Test options is particularly useful for providing meaningful and constructive feedback to students on a specific response they have given.
How to use item analysis in Blackboard
Using Item Analysis can provide statistics about overall test performance, and also how individual questions were answered by the student group. This tool is a way for you to quickly see which questions in your test might need revision because they are too easy, or too difficult.
Recording voice feedback in Turnitin
Adding voice feedback in Turnitin is a particularly quick and effective way to provide personal feedback to students, which allows them to understand their marks and how they can improve in future assignments.
How to prevent releasing your assessment marks early
The accidental release of assessment marks to students is a perennial issue for many academic staff, this video will explain how to ensure your assessments are set up securely so this doesn’t happen.
Hiding grades from students
Hiding grades from students in Grade Centre is useful as it allows you to release the grades and feedback to students all at once, and is particularly useful for when the grades need to be moderated by an exam board before release.