Short courses on teaching online

Teaching online creates a different set of requirements and challenges from those that many academic staff are used to. As it appears that we may be required to develop more and more materials and courses for partial or complete online delivery, you may want to engage with some of the following short courses that will help you adapt your teaching methods for online delivery.
University of Manchester School of Social Sciences
Creating online materials for blended learning: a short, practical, 5-part course, created ‘in-house’ by Professor Becki Bennett (School of Social Sciences) using Adobe Spark. Can be completed at your own pace, and covers how to create online learning materials, using free resources, that allow active learning and online interaction within your existing Blackboard spaces.
Open University
Take your teaching online In this free course, Take your teaching online, you will gain knowledge fundamental to delivering effective teaching online. You will hear about the experiences of real educators, be introduced to cutting edge research, and understand the ideas and tools that shape how we teach and learn online. You will also learn useful methods that will guide you to test out these new ideas in your own practice.
Learning to Teach Online | Coursera Learn Learning to Teach Online from UNSW Sydney (The University of New South Wales). Are you an educator? Have you ever wanted to understand more about how to design your class to make better use of educational technology – whether fully online or in blended contexts? Would you like to learn from those who have extensive practical experience with online technologies?<
On Teaching and Learning Mathematics
Surprise! Transitioning to online teaching By Abbe Herzig, AMS Director of Education Many of us are experiencing stress as schools, colleges and universities move instruction out of the classroom. Fortunately, even if distance learning is new to you, it isn’t new, and there is a lot of wisdom to draw on.
Further Reading
Don’t have time to participate in a full course? Here are some interesting articles discussing the move to online delivery for the education sector..
Inside Higher Ed – Will Shift to Remote Teaching Be Boon or Bane for Online Learning?
Wired – Moving Your Classes Online? Here’s How to Make It Work
Educause – The Difference Between Emergency Remote Teaching and Online Learning
The Conversation – Coronavirus: 14 simple tips for better online teaching