Student Experience Action Fund

What is the Student Experience Action Fund?
The Student Experience Action Fund is a new pot of money which all taught Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE) students, including those on the Foundation Studies programme, can apply to for financial support to launch new projects or events which aim to improve the university experience of students in FSE and enhance feelings of belonging.
This year is a pilot, and we have made £2,000 available for grants of between £50 and £250. Both individuals and established student groups from across the Faculty are welcome to apply and will be considered equally. We hope to encourage an even spread of applications from students from The School of Engineering, The School of Natural Sciences and Foundation Studies. We can offer support during the application process and advice to help you make your idea happen once funding has been approved.
Why have we created the Student Experience Action Fund?
We are hoping to make small cash investments to enable students to design and deliver projects, events or activities which will improve the student experience and develop a stronger sense of belonging in Faculty of Science and Engineering. We hope these projects will bring people together by creating inclusive and welcoming spaces for students to socialise and learn new things. We want to fund projects which develop existing communities within Faculty of Science and Engineering as well as create new opportunities for those who may otherwise have never met to build relationships and develop networks.
Events so far
Since the launch of the fund, we have funded one event “Vibrant Stitching: Beginner’s Embroidery Experience”. Feedback from the organiser on the event stated that the event had a positive impact on attendees, “the opportunity to engage in embroidery not only helped alleviate exam stress but also fostered new friendships among participants. It’s particularly inspiring to hear that some students who had never tried embroidery before discovered a newfound interest in it, bridging disciplines and sparking curiosity in art among those studying mathematics and materials.”
Please contact the team on with any questions, and please do encourage your students to apply for funding for their community building ideas. More information on the application process can be found here.