

Image of two members of staff sitting on sofas in MECD looking at a laptop screen together

The Teaching Academy can provide support for set up and delivery of online and blended course units. In addition to the resources you find on these pages get in touch to request the following services:

Digital Learning Helpdesk

  • email and phone support to answer queries, provide advice and resolve problems for academic and administrative staff. Contact us via the support portal, or by phoning the IT Support Centre’s 24/7 phone line on 65544

Responsive face-to-face digital learning support service

This can be obtained by contacting the FSE eLearning team either

Training and workshops

  • Custom training and workshops: for academic staff, admin staff, and support to Departments for developing induction sessions for students

Advice and support

  • Content design and development – in graphics and multimedia development
  • Software and tools for content development
  • eAssessment

Project work

  • Undertaking specialist development projects
  • Advising on issues relating to Blackboard for Start of Year and and End of Year projects
  • Piloting new technologies and improvements to existing services

Service development & enhancement

  • e.g. Horizon scanning for new innovations