Support for your teaching practice

Across the Faculty and University, you can access a wide range of support for your teaching and learning practice. Within your department you can also contact your Director of Teaching and Learning or your Teaching and Learning Enhancement Lead.
Book a one-to-one with our eLearning team
If you would like to discuss the technologies available to you in your teaching and learning delivery, book a one-to-one session with our eLearning team. Sessions last for 30 minutes in the first instance, but if you need more time or resource then this can be accommodated for. Sessions are open to academic and PS staff.
In the meantime, continue browsing the Teaching Academy website to discover a wide-range of our available hardware and software with accompanying ‘how to’ guides.
Library Support
The University of Manchester Library will play an important role in facilitating the success of your teaching and research. The Library’s website provides information on the range of services available, including details of our Faculty Engagement Librarians.
The Teaching and Learning Online Network (TALON) is a Yammer space for staff to share their skills and expertise in teaching, learning and assessment, and request help and advice from colleagues around the University. Colleagues also use TALON to share and advertise upcoming teaching events.
Academic Advising Toolkit
As an Academic Advisor, you provide students with academic, pastoral and employability support throughout their studies at the University. The Academic Advising Toolkit is a staff-facing page offering guidance and training on the role of an Academic Advisor. This includes useful links and materials that you can use in your advising sessions with your students.
Each Department within the Faculty of Science and Engineering has a Senior Academic Advisor. They should be your first point of contact for any Academic Advising queries or issues.
Institute of Teaching and Learning
The University of Manchester Institute of Teaching and Learning (ITL) is the University’s academic centre which supports teaching quality and is committed to fostering a culture of teaching excellence. The Institute is led by Professor Judy Williams, Associate Vice-President for Teaching, Learning and Students, and runs a number of development opportunities for staff as well as producing toolkits designed to support the enhancement of teaching and learning.
Events and Development Programmes run by the Institute are open to both academic and PS colleagues. This includes the ITL Fellowship programme.