
How can you use formative feedback to help your students?

Giving our students feedback can have a profound impact on how they learn and how they feel about their studies. It is arguably one of the most important things we can do to help our students improve their performance in summative assessment (Broadfoot & Black 2004). Yet it is easy to brush past the practical […]

2 minutes with a LEAP assessor

Sarah Hewitt is a Learning Technologist in the Faculty of Science and Engineering as well as the Faculty’s GTA Lead. Upon becoming an alumni of the Leadership in Education Awards Programme (LEAP), Sarah took up the opportunity to become a LEAP assessor.

Writing multiple choice questions – a handy guide

Multiple choice questions (MCQs) can be a useful time saver for academics as they are quick to mark, but they are only useful to the learners if they are planned well.  Here are some pointers for you to consider when designing and implementing multiple choice quizzes, whether on paper or in Blackboard.

Factsheet: How Students Learn

A knowledge of the way students learn can help us design effective courses and help us to advise and guide our students. While the literature on this topic is vast, there are a few key pieces of experimental work that everyone who designs or changes courses should know