Using Gradescope to Autograde programming assignments
Case Study: How Computer Sciences are using Gradescope to autograde programming assignments.
Case Study: How Computer Sciences are using Gradescope to autograde programming assignments.
Gradescope is a tool which enables submission of programming code. This article introduces the Gradescope programming assignment and signposts to useful documentation and sources of support.
A quick overview of the Gradescope dashboard and key menus.
A round up of links to key guidance about Gradescope.
Case study: Using Gradescope to mark handwritten work in Maths.
Guidance for staff on using bubble sheets for paper based multiple choice assessments.
Lu Shin Wong, a Senior lecturer in Chemistry, used Gradescope Bubble sheets in a summative exam for over 200 students. Teaching Academy asked Lu Shin about his experiences of using the Gradescope Bubblesheets.
Guidance for staff on planning and setting up an assignment-based online exam.
Links to step by step instructions for setting up Gradescope
Once you have created a Gradescope course, next you can create your assignment. This information will provide an overview of the Gradescope dashboard, menu options, staff roles/permissions and guidance for each stage of the workflow for a Homework assignment: