Mentimeter Sign Up
The University has purchased a site licence for Mentimeter for the academic year 2022-23. Any members of UoM Staff and Students can sign up and access a full featured licence by following the information here.
Teaching and Learning in FSE encompasses many different tasks. You’ll find the resources you need to support you in these tasks here.
The University has purchased a site licence for Mentimeter for the academic year 2022-23. Any members of UoM Staff and Students can sign up and access a full featured licence by following the information here.
Find out why colleagues in FSE are finding Mentimeter a valuable addition to their teaching.
Using Blackboard to communicate with students.
Links to step by step instructions for setting up Gradescope
Once you have created a Gradescope course, next you can create your assignment. This information will provide an overview of the Gradescope dashboard, menu options, staff roles/permissions and guidance for each stage of the workflow for a Homework assignment:
Gradescope enables electronic submission and marking of handwritten responses, typed responses, formulae and diagrams, programming/code and multiple choice. Gradescope can be added to any Blackboard course area. All Gradescope assignments and exams – both for students submitting and markers – are accessed through the Gradescope dashboard, the grades are pushed out to an associated column in the Blackboard Grade Centre.
Research shows that meaningfully integrated interactions (student–content, student–student, and student–teacher) increase learning outcomes.
Giving our students feedback can have a profound impact on how they learn and how they feel about their studies. It is arguably one of the most important things we can do to help our students improve their performance in summative assessment (Broadfoot & Black 2004). Yet it is easy to brush past the practical […]
A guide to setting up and using Buddycheck within your Blackboard course space.
Guidance to help you prepare and design your peer assessment activity