Changes to Turnitin – Summer 2022
The way that Blackboard integrates with Turnitin is changing. From 30th June 2022 staff will no longer be able to create new Turnitin submission portals via the existing method.
The way that Blackboard integrates with Turnitin is changing. From 30th June 2022 staff will no longer be able to create new Turnitin submission portals via the existing method.
My Learning Essentials (MLE) is the Library’s multi-award-winning skills programme, supporting FSE students during their studies across a range of topics.
This video shows step-by-step instructions on how to add inline feedback, annotations, audio feedback and Quickmarks when marking a Turnitin assignment.
Guidance for staff on planning and setting up an assignment-based online exam.
The University has purchased a site licence for Mentimeter for the academic year 2022-23. Any members of UoM Staff and Students can sign up and access a full featured licence by following the information here.
Find out why colleagues in FSE are finding Mentimeter a valuable addition to their teaching.
Using Blackboard to communicate with students.
Gradescope is a tool which enables you to submit handwritten written work and typed work for marking.
Links to step by step instructions for setting up Gradescope
Once you have created a Gradescope course, next you can create your assignment. This information will provide an overview of the Gradescope dashboard, menu options, staff roles/permissions and guidance for each stage of the workflow for a Homework assignment: