Teaching Availability Arrangement (TAA) applications now open

In preparation for the 2025 – 26 timetables, the Teaching Availability Arrangement (TAA) application form is now open.
- Apply for a TAA here: 2025 – 26 Teaching Availability Arrangement (TAA) Application Form
- If you had a TAA approved for the previous cycle (2024 – 25) you will need to reapply again for 2024 – 25. Arrangements are not carried forward.
The Teaching Availability Arrangement (TAA) process provides a mechanism for a member of staff to request not to be timetabled to teach at certain times; a panel convened by the Dean will assess all submissions. If approved, your TAA will be factored into the construction of the timetable for the forthcoming academic year as a “soft constraint” (a preference, to be prioritised if possible but not guaranteed).
Please see the Timetabling Code of Practice for further details.
If applying for a TAA, please consider the following guidance:
- If you are applying for a TAA related to a caring responsibility, it is likely that only a morning or an afternoon slot will be granted, for example no teaching before 10:00 OR no teaching after 16:00 but not both.
- Requests relating to commuting are unlikely to be granted.
- Requests for specific preferred research days are unlikely to be granted.
- Requests to work from home on a specific day are unlikely to be granted.
- Requests to fulfil honorary positions at other HE institutions are unlikely to be granted.
You do not need to submit an application if your request is already covered by a DASS Teaching Support Plan. Please click here to access the Disability Advisory Service web pages.
If you have a formal Flexible Working Arrangement logged with P&OD, there is no need to complete a TAA to confirm the details of that.
If you need an arrangement to be considered as a hard constraint (i.e. because you are unavailable to work rather than just unavailable to teach) you should consider applying for Flexible Working Arrangement.
** The TAA application form will close on Friday 14th March 2025 **