
Teaching Availability Arrangement (TAA) applications now open

In preparation for the 2025 – 26 timetables, the Teaching Availability Arrangement (TAA) application form is now open. 

  1. Apply for a TAA here: 2025 – 26 Teaching Availability Arrangement (TAA) Application Form
  2. If you had a TAA approved for the previous cycle (2024 – 25) you will need to reapply again for 2024 – 25.  Arrangements are not carried forward. 

The Teaching Availability Arrangement (TAA) process provides a mechanism for a member of staff to request not to be timetabled to teach at certain times; a panel convened by the Dean will assess all submissions.  If approved, your TAA will be factored into the construction of the timetable for the forthcoming academic year as a “soft constraint” (a preference, to be prioritised if possible but not guaranteed). 

Please see the Timetabling Code of Practice for further details. 

If applying for a TAA, please consider the following guidance: 

  1. If you are applying for a TAA related to a caring responsibility, it is likely that only a morning or an afternoon slot will be granted, for example no teaching before 10:00 OR no teaching after 16:00 but not both. 
  2. Requests relating to commuting are unlikely to be granted.
  3. Requests for specific preferred research days are unlikely to be granted.
  4. Requests to work from home on a specific day are unlikely to be granted. 
  5. Requests to fulfil honorary positions at other HE institutions are unlikely to be granted. 

You do not need to submit an application if your request is already covered by a DASS Teaching Support Plan. Please click here to access the Disability Advisory Service web pages. 

If you have a formal Flexible Working Arrangement logged with P&OD, there is no need to complete a TAA to confirm the details of that. 
If you need an arrangement to be considered as a hard constraint (i.e. because you are unavailable to work rather than just unavailable to teach) you should consider applying for Flexible Working Arrangement.    

** The TAA application form will close on Friday 14th March 2025 **