Professional Development

Your CPD in teaching and learning

The Teaching Academy is here to support you in developing your teaching and learning practice. Whether you are looking for a professionally-accredited programme or a one-off development event, a wide range of teaching and learning activities are available within the Faculty and beyond.

The teaching and learning community within the Faculty of Science and Engineering is made up of many and varied roles, each playing an integral part in the success of our students’ learning experience. No matter your role or experience, within these pages we hope that you will discover a CPD opportunity of  interest to you.

Explore your options

Advance HE Fellowships

Teaching and Learning Development Programmes

Support for your Teaching Practice

Teaching Awards

Not sure which CPD opportunity to take advantage of first? Try our CPD decision tool…

(Please note: we recommend closing the slide menu as this tool will respond to the answers you provide. You can close the menu by clicking the three horizontal lines)